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Umzikantu Abattoir is one of the high throughput abattoirs in the Eastern Cape Province located at Nyameni Road in Zimbane location under the jurisdictionary area of O.R. Tambo District Municipality (ORTDM). It is the only red meat abattoir that is operational in the ORTDM. It is certified and has the capacity to slaughter 50 units per day where one unity is equal to 1 cow/ox/bull, or 2 calves, or 6 sheep, or 4 porker pigs, or 2 bacon pigs, or 1 sausage pig. The abattoir is open to everyone and offers slaughter and cutting services to the public at an affordable fee. Health and hygiene standards are of high standards and the abattoir complies with the set standards. In 2017 Umzikantu Red Meat Abattoir was awarded by the Eastern Cape Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform as one of the best abattoirs in the High Throughput Red Meat Abattoir Category. The meat is purchased from the livestock producers and farmers. Umzikantu Abattoir sells high quality meat at very competitive prices to customers as General public, Supermarkets, Butcheries, Hospitals as well as Hostels around ORTDM. It opens at 7am till 4pm during business days. The abattoir operates on a first come first serve basis. For enquiries contact the Abattoir Manager: Mr. Xola Mapatwana on 076 948 0797 or 078 619 8563 during business hours.