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O.R Tambo Farms are situated in Swartberg in the Greater Kokstad Municipality, comprising of seven farms whose main function is to produce enough beef cattle for Umzikantu Red Meat Abattoir and other markets. 80% of the farm terrain is suitable for cattle ranching. Cattle are purchased, bred and fattened at two sites, namely, Adam Kok and Ikhwezi Farms for the supply of slaughter cattle for Umzikantu Abattoir. Nucleus breeding stock is kept at Adam Kok Farms for purposes of continuing farming, thereby adding value to the fattening programme. Steers from the breeding stock are sent to the market whilst heifers are kept for replacement and heifer exchange. On farm breeding of suitable breed for heifer exchange with subsistence and emerging farmers is gradually introduced, towards development of local farmers. The available arable land is utilised for production of beef cattle feed, such as winter pastures, hay bales and maize grain, cash crops for revenue enhancement.