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Kei Fresh Produce Market is situated in Vulindlela Heights, Southernwood, Mthatha, No. 32 Errol Spring Street, next to BT Ngebs Mall/ Mthatha Soccer stadium and is 2 km from Mthatha town. The Fresh Produce Market is one of 24 National Fresh Produce Commission Markets in South Africa. The market has 3 400 m2 trading floor space.
The core business of the KFPM is to market and sell agricultural fresh produce (variety of edible fruits and vegetables) through accredited Agricultural Fresh Produce Market Agents to Retail Groups, Hawkers, Spaza shops, Tenderpreneurs, Government and public in general. Trade takes place via a commission system with the Market charging the producer a mere 5% commission on all sales made on the commission floor. A further negotiable levy of 7,5% is paid to Market Agents for selling produce on behalf of the farmer. To safeguard and keep track records of farmers’ produce and sales on a daily basis, the entity use IT systems to be able to keep records and make daily payments to farmers for produce sold. As value-adding services, the Market has cold storage facilities to accommodate tons of fresh produce supply from farmers at any one time.
Trading takes place from 06h00 till 13h00 during the week, and from 06h00 to 09h00 on Saturdays.
Local farmers are encouraged to supply quality produce to the market to boost economic activity of the O.R. Tambo. The Market serves many local and international farmers from the African Continent.
For more info, contact the Acting Market Master at 047 495 0544/ 082 099 4346, email: