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Ntinga supports a number of initiatives in the Development, SMME and and Project spaces. Most notable of these are the Kei Fresh Produce Market, Adam Kok Farms and Umzikantu Red Meat Abattoir


KFPM is one of 22 National Fresh Produce Commission Markets in South Africa. We are a members of South African Union of Food Markets (SAUFM). The Market has 4000 Meters trading floor space. Our core business is to market fresh produce (variety of edible fruits and vegetables), meat and other agricultural products using accredited Markets Agents. The market has the capacity to accommodate four Markets Agents on the trading floor.


O.R. Tambo, also knowns Adam Kok Farms, are situated in Swartberg in the Greater Kokstad Municipality. They are comprised of seven farms whose main function is to produce enough beef for Umzikantu Red Meat Abattoir and other markets. 80% of the farms terrains is suitable for cattle ranching.

Umzikantu Red Meat Abattoir

Umzikantu Red Meat Abattoir is one of the high throughput abattoirs in the Eastern Cape located at Nyameni Road in Zimbane location. We are the only red meat abattoir that is operational in the O.R. Tambo District. We are certified and have capacity to slaughter 50 units per day where 1 unit is equal to 1 cow/ox/bull or 2 calves or 6 sheep or 4 porker pigs or 2 bacon pigs or 1 sausage pig