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Ntinga O.R. Tambo Development Agency responded to the unique challenges facing the district by adopting the following strategic approach towards Local Economic Development:

  • Effective harnessing of tangible and intangible resources in the district 
  • Mobilisation and leveraging of financial and other resources
  • Spearheading of a sustainable human capital resource development 
  • Pursuance of innovation and best practise including indigenous farming system 
  • Effective planning and consultation. 
Ntinga emanates from the realization by O.R. Tambo District of the need to prioritise local economic development if the much needed growth in one of the worst poverty and jobless stricken districts in the Eastern Province is to be realised.

We focus on the following industries to enable Local Economic Development:
  •  Agriculture & Agro-processing
  • Tourism
  • Oceans Economy
  • Trade & Investment Promotion and Facilitation
  • Manufacturing


Ntinga O.R Tambo Development Agency was established by the O.R .Tambo District Municipality as a Service Utility to serve as a Special Purpose Vehicle responsible for spearheading Local Economic Development in the O.R. Tambo District  and  now has since been converted to a State Owned Company (SOC Ltd).


 “Vibrant and Sustainable Communities”


The Entity keeps to the following value system

  • Nurture and Care
  • Leadership
  • Agility
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Leaning and Growth
  • Good  Governance, Accountability and Transparency
  • Integrity and Honest